Our Timeline

The Beginning
Youth Mentoring Group (Precious Pearls of Promise) began at Woodlawn United Methodist Church. Thirty (30) young ladies enrolled over the summer

It's Official
Youth Mentoring Group (Diamonds in the Rough) began at Woodlawn United Methodist Church. Ten (10) young men enrolled over the summer.
CCDN is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

New Programs
Parents Helping Parents is launched. This is a forum developed for parents by parents to help with communication challenges.
CCN held its first Annual E.L.E.C.T. Teen Summit serving 50 kids

More Growth Happening...
CCDN moved into a larger space to expand operations and services.
CCDN held Annual E.L.E.C.T. Teen Summit serving 50 kids.

Community Expansion
CCDN served 2400 families in Life Services Program providing emergency food, clothes, and resources
LearnWorks Math and Reading Enrichment Program launched serving 20 youth
Served 40 participants during Peer Support and Community Forums.
Save Village Market Project: Learn More By Clicking Here
Launched Christmas at CCDN Program sponsoring 80 youth for Christmas

Health Development
CCDN hosted a Unity Prayer Breakfast connecting families and partners in the community
CCDN launched its Life Services Program, providing essential needs to adults, youth, and families.
CCDN launched its Healthy Tuesdays, providing heathy alternatives, education, and resources to adults, youth, and families
CCDN launched its Internship program providing internships with UAB Nursing Students
Several partnerships were built for education and reentry services

Moved to a New Location
CCDN relocated to North East Lake to expand services.
CCDB served over 3,000 families in Life Services Program.
CCDN assisted families with rent and utility assistance through the Birmingham Strong Program. CCDN provided $50,000 in rent and utility assistance.
CCDN restructured operations to accommodate Covid-19 Pandemic, providing Life Services, Education Programs, and Community Service Projects
Permanent Home
CCDN served 6000 families in Life Services Program providing emergency food, clothes, and resources
Inspire Education Academy was relaunched to assist youth ages 16 & up with life and education transition.
CCDN opened 6 community food hubs servicing families in Bessemer, East Lake, Woodlawn, Titusville, and Center Point​

CCDN served 16,331 families in the year 2022
14,400 Families were served through Community Food Hubs receiving food, and essential supplies​
746 Families received financial resource support
CCDN received 935 referrals from partner agencies
250 Families and Youth served through Family Support Services
CCDN served 20,797 families in the year 2023
17,250 Families were served through Community Food Hubs receiving food, and essential supplies​
1,300 Families received support through Human Support Services
CCDN received 506 referrals from partner agencies
300 Families and Youth served through Family Support Services
1,441 Families received support through community outreach